  8-Day Hong Kong & Macau Tour



  • Introduction
  • Tour Itinerary
  • Tour Cost

Hong Kong is a collective name of three areas in the southern tip of China: Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories. Archeological evident shows that there are life forms from 6,000 years ago. Recorded settlement did not happen till the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC). Invasion of the Mongols during the South Song Dynasty in the late 13th century caused a population of people to flee to Hong Kong to escape from wars and famines. Other than that, Hong Kong is insignificant in China’s history due to its geographic location is too far from the central government. In 1842, Hong Kong Island was ceded to the British Empire under the Treaty of Nanking by the Qing Dynasty; Kowloon was ceded in 1860 and the New Territories in 1898. Hong Kong was a British Crown Colony until 1997 when sovereignty was returned to China. During the colonial period, with its natural deep water harbor, the British made it a prime trading post in Asia. In 1949, the People’s Republic of China was proclaimed after the civil war; many migrants fled to Hong Kong in fear of prosecution by the Communist Party. Among them are entrepreneurs and technocrats; this influx of skill labors and capital had quicken the pace of development in Hong Kong. Over the decades, under the British administration and judicial system, with the hard-working and creativity of the Chinese, Hong Kong has flourished into one of most amazing port cities in the world. Today, Hong Kong is a Special Administration Region of China, under the “One-Country-Two-Systems” principle, it is governed by the Basic Law under which socialism in China will not be extended to Hong Kong. Maybe it is political uncertainties, the people have developed a “work-hard, play-hard” mentality. Professionals indulge themselves with foie gras and imported wine after working 14 hours in the office; young girls spend a years’ savings on a brand-named purse; blue collar workers eat like there is no tomorrow in family restaurants…it is a berserk mixture of capitalism and hedonism, materialism and romanticism. Yet, harmony developed among paradoxes. You can see visitors mingle with the local in Mongkok, looking for bargains from apparels to household goods; you can see expats and the locals drink themselves to oblivion in the yuppieish Lan Kwai Fong. It is also a city of choices, you can enjoy the best dim sum in the world in a bustling restaurant in Causeway Bay or you can have a meat pie and a beer in a serene waterfront eatery in Stanley. Hong Kong is a city has much to offer and never cease to surprise.

Macau is a special administrative region of China today. It was administered by Portugal for more than 400 years. Until its return to China in 1999, it is the last European territories in Asia from the colonial period. Its first inhabitants believed to be people from the South Song Dynasty seeking refuge from the Mongol invasion in the 13th century. It eventually settled by fishermen during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1643). In 1513, the first Portuguese arrived in a hired junk and erected a stone marker claiming the area for Manuel I, King of Portugal. In 1553, on-shore trading depot was set up and Macau became a base of operation for the Portuguese to trade with India, China and Japan. In 1557, Lisbon obtained a lease for Macau from the Ming Emperor and a walled village is built. The area was under Portuguese administration but the Chinese retained sovereignty. During the next two centuries, Macau became an important center for Portuguese traders. In the late 17 century, Macau’s importance was overshadowed by the declined of Portugal’s influence and the British development of Hong Kong. Lisbon continued to pay rent to China until 1849 when the Portuguese abolished the Chinese custom house and declared Macau an independent state. Macau was officially ceded to Portugal under the Beijing Treaty in 1887. When the Chinese communists came to power in 1949, they declared the Protocol of Lisbon to be invalid as an “unequal treaty” imposed by foreigners on China. However, Beijing was not ready to settle the treaty question, leaving the maintenance of “the status quo” until a more appropriate time. In 1974 the new Portuguese government granted independence to all overseas colonies and recognized Macau as part of China’s territory, but the Chinese government did not accept administration of the territory. In 1979, Portugal and the People’s Republic of China established diplomatic relationship and Beijing acknowledge Macau as “Chinese territory under Portuguese administration. On December 20, 1999, Macau was return to full China sovereignty as a special administration region under the “One-Country-Two-Systems” principle. Today, Macau is a city of contrast. It was developed into a major entertainment center with mega size casinos and numerous entertainment venues. On the other side, it managed to maintain its quaint colonial aura in the old town area. You can still feel the Portuguese influence with some of its preserved constructions from the colonial time. Last but not least, it has also developed an interesting hybrid Chinese-Portuguese cuisine to make dining in Macau a unique experience.

Tour Itinerary

Day 01: U.S. - Hong Kong
Depart U.S. for Hong Kong.

Day 02: Hong Hong
Arrive Hong Kong. Transfer to hotel.
Accommodation: Royal Pacific Tower.

Day 03: Hong Kong
A Hong Kong Island Tour takes you to see all the ‘must see’ spots for visitors. The tour stops at The Peak, perhaps Hong Kong’s best-known attraction which overlooks the city’s famous skyline, Victoria Harbour and the romantic South China Sea. Then tour the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter by taking a sampan ride for a fascinating close-up look at the local fishermen and their boat community. The nearby world-famous floating restaurants are glamorous amidst all the fishing boats. Enjoy the scenic coastal beauty of Deep Water Bay and Repulse Bay. Then on to Stanley Market for bargain-hunting and a charming seaside escapade. (B/L).

Day 04: Hong Kong
A half day Lantau & Monestery Tour takes you across the Tsing Ma Bridge, the longest suspension bridge in the world, to Tai O, a remaining fishing village in Hong Kong. Then visit the Po Lin Monestery with the big buddha and museum. Enjoy a vegeterian lunch in the monestery and take a ride on the Ngong Ping Skyride where you'll have panoramic view of Lantau and the South China Sea.

Day 05: Hong Kong - Macao
Depart Hong Kong for the former Portuguese colony of Macao. An afternoon Macao tour will take you to explore this unique city, visiting the Lotus Flower in Full Bloom Square; the old town area, Ruins of St. Paul’s Cathedral, Na Tcha Temple, Old City Wall, Mount Fortress, Senado Square, Kuan Tai Temple, Holy House of Mercy Cathedral, St. Dominic’s Church and A-Ma Temple. Then the newer developed area: Macau Tower, Sai Van Bridge, Taipa House Museum and Macao Fishermen’s Wharf. (B)
Accommodation: Hotel Beverly Plaza.

Day 06: Macao
Day free for you to explore this unique city at your own pace. (B)

Day 07: Macao - Hong Kong
Depart Macao and return to Hong Kong. (B).

Day 08: Hong Kong
Day free for you to explore Hong Kong and shopping at your own pace. (B).

Day 09: Hong Kong - U.S.
Depart Hong Kong for the U.S.

Tour Brochure (pdf)

Departure (2010)
Tour Cost
April 01-04
April 30 - June 03
April 05-29
August 23 - October 03
December 03-09
June 04-27
July 23 - August 15
December 10-26
June 28 - July 22
August 16 - 22
October 04 - 24
October 25 - December 02
December 27 - 31
Single room supplement
Weekend surcharge (each way)
Hotel peak season surcharges Person/night
October 01-16 (Macau)
October 10 - 31 (Hong Kong)
December 22 - 31 (Hong Kong)
December 24 - 31 (Macau)
Friday nights (Macau)
Saturday nights (Macau)
Prices subject to change without notice.

Tour costs included:

  • Round trip economy class air transportation from Honolulu.
  • 7 nights of hotel accommodations based on double occupancy.
  • All tours and transfer specified in the itinerary with English speaking tour guide.
  • Meals specified in the itinerary.
  • Airlines fuel surcharge.